Viaje y Hospedaje para Voluntaios

Viaje a Aldea Matacanes para voulntarios y STAFF de las carreras de Linea Final.

Incluye transporte desde Hotel Cola de Caballo y hospedaje en cabaña tipo hostal o camping!!

No incluye tours, bebidas ni alimentos.

Service Information


  • Zone: Potrero Redondo Santiago, Nuevo Leon, MEXICO
  • Age: 12 - minors should be acompanied by a parent, except in summer camp
  • Time to get from meeting to starting point: 2 hr
  • Activities Period: 2 days
  • Nights: 1
  • Itinerary

  • Round trip from Cola de Caballo Hotel
  • 1 night in cabin with restrooms and hot water
  • Food & Drinks

    Food and beverages are not included, but we have restaurant and bar for your convinience

    What Other Visitors Experienced

    Service Tabs

    Take the highway to Linares (carretera Nacional), passing El Cercado in Santiago Nuevo Leon, take Cola de Caballo road, go about 5 km south to reach the Hotel. Leave your car in the parking lot, the cost is 100 pesos per vehicle

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